How Do I Recover From Religion?

So many times I am asked by people of all religious beliefs “How do I heal my thinking and what feels to be my soul from the warp that it has experienced?” They tend to believe it’s primarily the result of the years of frequenting church, temple, mosque, synagogue, monastary or the like. These are the 4 things […]

Jesus Christ: God of My Spirituality

Spirituality is all about consciousness. Coming into an awareness of your core self and maintaining that awareness at all times and in all situations. Through a relationship with God which began when I was introduced to Jesus in the Christian Church – I continue to enjoy all of the rewards of a very exciting spiritual […]

Six Reasons Senior Pastors struggle with depression – by Dr. Larry D. Reid

In light of the recent suicides of many pastors I decided to write this blog to help others understand the personal pain that many pastors have. Depression is common in society and even more so for pastors and those that are care-leaders of any people. Let’s look at what I believe are the top six […]